Saleh Al-Barrak Consulting Office is a Saudi Arabian consulting office provides engineering consulting services to the eastern province and the entire Saudi Arabia market supported by its long experience and outstanding reputation. Utilizing professional engineers, state –of-the-art AutoCAD & automated management, Saleh Al-Barrak consulting office offers wide range of services including pre-design study, site analysis, design, specifications writing, project management and supervision. At present the Office is studying the design and supervision of some of the projects in the eastern province, the main goals of the office is to provide advisory through cohesion of the capabilities and expertise of the technical staff to complete the work with high specifications. The office fully understands the challenges associated with new projects, the office has the technical and administrative necessary capacities to provide services and meet the needs of every client regardless of the size and complexity of the project. In addition to being a Saudi engineering consultant office, the office aspires to take a share in the planning and supervision of leading development projects in Saudi Arabia.
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